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  • Writer's pictureGAURAV AGRAWAL

Mesh Refinement and Topology Optimization

Gaurav led the team of 2 people to write a MATLAB code and create a ANSYS model to study and compare mesh refinement(MR) values of an existing steel pedestrian bridge near their university and then Gaurav used ANSYS Workbench to do Topology Optimization(TO) to find an optimal design for the bridge truss. Gaurav solely wrote the MATLAB code to create a MATLAB model of the bridge and then used basic mesh refinement to find the stress and deflection. Then Gaurav used ANSYS Workbench to create a model and implement mesh refinement and Topology Optimization on the model. Gaurav did Topology Optimization based on different constraints like limiting the final volume, mass, global Von-Misses stress.

3D Bridge rotated truss model generated using MATLAB code written by us

Deflected shape with a Scale factor of 100 generated using the MATLAB code

Member forces and reactions found out using MATLAB code

This are the Member results that were generated using MATLAB code without MR and then compared with ANSYS MR results and were found to be quite similar for finer mesh

MR Stress result comparison from MATLAB code and ANSYS mode

ANSYS MR deflection for Quadratic Mesh with size 4 inch

ANSYS MR Stress for Quadratic Mesh with size 4 inch

TO result for quarter of a bridge for 25 % mass but the result is not that accurate due to license issues as more than 1000 iteration were not allowed but it still serves the purpose of getting introduced to TO.

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